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  • Writer's pictureBrown Owl - 424NT Pack A

I'm gonna take that mountain

Five of Pack A's oldest Brownies joined the Guides in an adventure to the top of a mountain.

We travelled to Kadoorie Farm to help in their native tree planting scheme. This was the second year the Guides had done this, and it was great for the Brownies who will someday soon become Guides themselves to see what opportunities await them when they 'fly up'!

For anyone who has been to KFBG, you will know the main visitor's centre is built at the foot of a tall mountain. We took a shuttle bus to almost the top and then walked further up, carrying pick axes, saplings, hammers, gloves and plastic tree protectors (see in the photo below). We then had to carry this down an extremely steep slope to get to our area for planting - it was a challenge for everyone involved!

Together the group planted around 20 new native trees which over the next few years will get stronger and help to rebalance the mountain's ecosystem and better serve the native animals that live here (side note - I saw a lone monkey scampering down the mountain which was fun!).

After our exertions, we took part in a plant identification trail, met a snake and some massive stick insects and the girls had a go at planting their own seedlings.

All in all, a fantastic day. We look forward to returning to KFBG again in the future.


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