This weekend six of Pack A's older Brownies joined twenty Guides to travel to the HKGGA's Water Activity Centre in Tai Po.
They were challenged to build a raft which could put out to sea successfully. They were given 4 barrels, 8 bamboo poles and a whole lot of twine. They needed to learn a couple of very important knots (clove hitch and square knot) and also had to think about how to connect the barrels to the raft well enough that they wouldn't float away!
The girls worked with the Guides in teams of 6 or 7 and had the whole morning to perfect their rigs. After lunch they were launched into the South China Sea! Eagle Owl and Barn Owl were on board too, so they crossed their fingers the knots were done well enough!
There were a couple of races and they also had to prove they could all move around the raft without falling off (this wasn't a COMPLETE success, but honestly I think some fell in accidentally on purpose!).
It was a fantastic day. Such a great way for the girls to see all the opportunities that are waiting for them within the HKGGA organisation. Barn Owl and I are looking forward to taking our Guide unit there sometime in 2020!